Originally called the Durham Chronicle, our publication has been part of the district since 1887. It has ridden the highs and reported on the lows, recording the passage of time from when Dungog had 500 inhabitants. The name may have changed, but the vision of the paper has not - it was created to report local news fairly and without fear or favour. The Chronicle is a newspaper with a proud history of being a vital part of our local community, a history of involvement that will continue. The Chronicle is very much a community newspaper which reflects the community which it serves. It plays an important role in delivering the news of the day and providing a forum for the community to discuss what is important to them. This proud tradition of being the voice of the community will continue and the Chronicle will remain as a vibrant local newspaper, both in print and online, that continues to grow and change along with the community it serves. It will be our endeavour to make the Chronicle interesting, instructive and useful by publishing such information as will be acceptable to our readers. If we can make this journal so necessary to the residents that it will be found in every household in the district, then we shall have achieved our objective. So it has always been, and so it shall always remain.
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